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Hello there !

Who am I ?

My name is Céline. Céline with a é. The weird thing on my e is there because I’m originally French and French people love to decorate the alphabet. But I’m also Australian now so I won’t hold it against you if you choose to call me Celine.

I share my love between my awesome husband FLOMYL (First Love Of My Life) and my wonderful daughters SLOMYL & TLOMYL (Second & Third Loves Of My Life), who are obviously the most fantastic persons in the whole world as you can imagine. Let’s call them Flo, Slo & Tlo.

After finishing our studies in France, Flo and myself decided to go on a big adventure in the mysterious country of Australia and we completely fell in love with it.

6 years later we welcomed our first child and nearly at the same time we were proudly granted with the Australian citizenship. Which gave us the opportunity to have the dual citizenship, French and Australian, how cool is that!!

And here we are, more than 9 years after our arrival in paradise, happy as ever, brand new parents for the second time, so lucky to be able to raise our kids in this amazing country…


Things to know about me:


I’m a French teacher.

I was born on the same day than the Queen Mother and Barack Obama, same year than William and Kate (predestined to a special destiny???).

Like many other parents, becoming a mum has been a true revelation for me and I love watching my little girls growing up more than anything else in the world.

I am arachnophobic.

I speak both languages to my daughters by repeating every sentence I say in the other language (yes, I repeat EVERYTHING).

I've never eaten snails or frogs legs.

I’m a child who lives in a fairyland.

“Carpe diem” is my motto. As well as “When there’s a will, there’s a way”.

I'm the only French in the world who doesn't like tea or coffee.

The future has a tiny tendency to scare me.

The ones who will dare to touch my knees or my ears will be cursed.

I love books, Nutella, Christmas, Pinterest, indoor carparks, crafts, cherries, beaches, lollies, cooking, The Grinch, crochet, Montessori, singing (except I'm not Celine Dion), creating a magic world for my children, taking my time, my life.


Welcome to my head.

Pour retrouver Kidilicious en français, cliquez ici!

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