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I wanted to start a blog.


Because I have lots of things to say since I’ve become a mum.

And I have this huge need to share my experience.

But who wants to hear those things among my friends?

Not the ones who don’t have kids, there is a high probability that they won’t care

and I don't want to annoy them.

And not really the ones with kids, I don't want to annoy them either and sound like I'm trying to show that I know it all. Because seriously, I don't.

I needed someone who would be interested in hearing what I want to say, people who would choose to listen to me because they want to, and not just because I’m there in front of them with what has recently become my main subject of conversation and they pretend to be interested because they are polite.

A blog seemed perfect. It would allow me to speak, and speak, and speak without wondering if my interlocutor is bored or not. With a blog I would be free. Only the ones who want to listen to me will.

Oh, but wait a minute: please don't misunderstand me. When I say "listen to me", I'm not saying that my plan is to use this blog to give advices or lessons or I don't know what else. Oh god no, I would never dare to do such a thing, I wouldn't even be capable of doing this.

I'm far from being in possession of the truth.

And what is the truth anyway? I don't believe that there is one and only one right way to raise a kid. Every child and parent is different and what works for some won't work for the others.

There is no rule in this game. 

I'm just a mother (and a new one, so useless to say a complete beginner) who has been given the chance to give parenting a go and who is trying the best she can to be the best mum ever.

Like everybody else.

So here I am.

And I have decided to start with the beginning, where it all came from: the arrival of my  first baby.

While pregnant, I had written this whole pregnancy journal and I’ve always thought that it could be interesting for other women if I could share it.

Because I would have loved to read the pregnancy journal of another woman while I was in that same situation. For some reason I didn’t find any. I didn’t really search well, now that I know where to go (and that it’s way too late), there are heaps.

Too bad.

There are heaps then, plus mine now.

So enjoy…


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