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Little flashback: You know you are pregnant when…

- You go to the toilets 50 times a day, each time you pee 2 drops, and as soon as you’re out of the restroom, you need to pee again.

- You eat an average of 20 eggs a week.

- You cry in front of your TV when Eeyore loses his tail.

- You wake up at 2am to pee and all you want all of a sudden is pasta. So you cook and have a middle of the night feast.

- You come back from grocery shopping as tired as if you had just run a marathon.

- Random people touch your belly.

- You see pregnant women everywhere you go.

- Your body looks like a road map.

- You fantasize about yellow nectarines (and you cry if your husband comes back from grocery shopping with white ones).

- You don’t have to suck your tummy in anymore.


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