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Easter Easter Easter…

Easter... What another perfect excuse to create your own fun, magic and traditions, even if you don’t celebrate it in a religious way!

As a child, we used to decorate eggs that our parents were then hiding in the garden. I remember some amazing egg hunts that my grandparents used to prepare for us.

No Easter Bunny in my memory (I’m not sure if it’s an actual tradition in France to be honest, I don’t really think so) but some bells and bunnies leaving eggs and chocolate in people’s gardens or something like that.

I loved this time of the year as a child, but I don’t really remember to actually believe in the magic.

Time to rectify the situation then now that I live in a country where the Easter Bunny is definitely present. And that I have children of course (of course!).

Yes, my kids believe in the Easter Bunny (particularly my 2 months old, who is completely nuts about him) just the same way they believe in Santa and we celebrate as it should be.

Just like for Christmas then, we decorate the house (not as much though, I want to keep my husband a little bit longer) with:

-An Easter tree

-Easter windows

-An Easter Bunny door

-Some buntings

Easter craft is then obviously part of our daily life in order to get in the mood.

We go and say hi to the Easter Bunny who is usually around. At least 50 times.

On Easter’s eve, we place some carrots in a plate for him.

On the D day, there are always his footprints left in front of our doorstep as well as some carrot crumbs.

This year, he will also leave a card with the instructions for the Egg Hunt written on it (I called him yesterday, that's why I know).

And the Egg Hunt will start.

Of course, there will be a bit of chocolate because seriously, what would be the point of Easter without chocolate?

But just a little bit, the bare minimum, no more (yes, no more).

And the rest of the eggs will be filled with toys.

Last year, the Easter Bunny had put lots of tiny toys (plastic animals, balls, stickers, puzzle pieces…) in the plastic eggs.

This year, he has opted for a box of Lego Duplo.

He has placed all the pieces in the egg shells. And the goal of the Egg Hunt then will be to find all the pieces.

He will leave us a clue: a picture of the toys so that Slo knows what her present will look like in the end. As well as the list of all the pieces that she is supposed to find and that she can tick as she goes along…

Fun and educational, perfect.

Thank you Easter Bunny.

At the end, when she will have finished to build her present, a final surprise will be waiting for her and her baby sister (who totally needs a present too).

And voilà.

Result: a period of fun, magic, educational activities, joyful sparkly eyes, excitement, happiness.

So why go without?

Happy Easter everyone.


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