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Liebster Award

Ok, my turn now then.

I’ve just been nominated for the Liebster Award by Lise, my friend from the blog Les Carnets De La Petite Maison (by the way, I highly recommend you to go and have a look at her page. Because I personally find her posts really entertaining. Well, ok, it’s in French so if you can’t speak a word, then you’re screwed but anyway. Just FYI).

Good. Thank you very much my friend.

Ok, cool. So now what? What is a Liebster Award exactly, how does it work? Well, to summarise, it is an award given to new and up and coming bloggers to help them connect with each other, and find each other.

Voila (I may sound like I know it all but I had never heard about it either before I had received this nomination).

So anyway.

Here are the rules to follow if you are nominated and that you choose to accept the award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. 2. Provide 11 random facts about yourself. 3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.

4. Nominate 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and ask them 11 questions. 5. Inform these blogs that you have nominated them via social networks.

Ok then, time to start…

First of all, let’s have a look at these 11 random facts about the fascinating me (11? That many? Long shot…):

1. I have never ever smoked, not even tried.

2. When I was a child, I wanted to become a waitress in a cafeteria. Or a guard in an underground car park (what a shame, I missed my vocation. My parents are… happy).

3. I am the type of person who never gets bored (I’m not even sure it would be that disturbing for me to have to face a wall for a week…).

4. I tend to sleepwalk (but I never get out of the room, unlike my brother who has a fascinating nocturnal life).

5. I can imitate Celine Dion for you right here right now (just not when she sings. Which doesn’t really make sense as her accent doesn’t probably sound weird to you when she speaks in English but trust me, when she speaks in French, she DOES have an accent!!).

6. On top of that, I have had the good luck in the past to be endowed with the same kind of teeth than her. Which left me with a huge complex and the joy of having braces very late compared to the majority of teenagers, ie from 15 to 18 years old. Needless to say, I was a young girl full of self-confidence and a super sexy smile.

7. I am right-handed but I can only open bottles with my left hand.

8. I took a plane for the first time when I was 24 to come to Australia. And I never left.

9. The first movie that I watched at the cinema was The Little Mermaid.

10. I can’t stand massages.

11. I’ve studied German for 15 years and the only thing that I can remember is that sentence that I had to learn when I was 11:

"Och Strubbel, Du bist aber süss! Du möchtest vielleicht im Garten bleiben." (Oh Strubbel (name of the guinea pig), you are so cute! You probably want to stay in the garden).

Very handy then for anyone who wants to travel to Germany.

Ok, so, first step done.

Now, let’s answer those questions nicely prepared by Lise (and have the impression that I am a celebrity for a minute or two):

1. Why did you start blogging?

Because I have lots of things to share since I have become a mum. But instead of annoying the people around me, I thought that at least with a blog I could be free to say what I wanted to say to whoever would be happy to hear what I had to say. If that makes sense.

2. What does blogging bring you?

The satisfaction of having finally gone through with one of my million projects. It took me a while to finally dare to do it but now that I have taken the plunge, I feel relieved. And for the glory, we’ll see that later.

3. Do your relatives and friends know that you have a blog?

Yes, more or less. Doing the best I can to make my advertising you see.

4. What is your blog about?

Oh, nothing original, just a blog like there are already millions out there. I talk about my life as a French mum living on the other side of the world, among many other things. And I write it in 2 languages then, which reflects my everyday life quite well.

5. Which book are you reading at the moment?

Once upon a time, I used to read a lot and I was supa dupa quick at it (particularly science fiction books, I’m a big fan of the French authors Bernard Werber and René Barjavel). Then one day, I had a child.

6. Tea, coffee or infusion?

None of them. I must be the only French in the world in this situation. At a push, I could sacrifice myself and take an infusion (with sugar please though), but a huge no no for a tea or a coffee, I really don’t like it. By the way, coffee is a big mystery for me. How on earth a drink that almost everybody find disgusting when they try it for the first time can be that successful? I seriously don’t get it… I must be really weird… Anyway, sometimes, if I have the choice, I pick a hot chocolate instead.

7. What is your little weakness?

Oooohhh, lollies… The happy world of Haribo…

8. Where are you gonna spend your next holidays (or otherwise, what is your dream holiday)?

If everything goes as planned, we will probably go to ski in New Zealand in a couple of months. And maybe spend a couple of days in Hawaii at the end of the year. No holidays in France this year. And the day will come when I will take my kids to Rovaniemi in Finland to spend Christmas with the REAL Santa.

9. Which blogs do you like following and why?

I’m quite a beginner in this subject, plus I just had another child, so I have to say that I haven’t found the time yet to follow regularly many different blogs. But the one in particular that I haven’t missed any post so far is Les Carnets De La Petite Maison. This is the blog of my friend from Uni and as we had kind of lost touch with each other the last couple of years, following her little adventures on her website gives me the impression to have her back like in the olden days.

10. What do you do when you are not blogging?

I breastfeed, I play and teach lots of things to my big baby, I give French lessons, I try to do my housewife job as well as I can (and when the man comes back home, of course, he wonders what I have done all day considering that the house looks like it has been the victim of an earthquake once again, but anyway… at least I know that I haven’t stopped all day so that’s what counts in the end, isn’t it?), I take pictures, I start some projects that I never finish, etc.

11. Is there something in particular that you are really fond of at the moment?

My awesome camera that my husband has just offered me as a push present. I can’t live without taking a picture every two minutes so it’s really life changing, I just love it.

Voila. So now here are the blogs that I nominate:

And finally, here are the questions that I have freshly prepared for my nominees:

1. What is your biggest fear?

2. What makes you happy?

3. Do you have any regrets?

4. What would you do with 5 millions won at the lottery?

5. How do you imagine your life in 10 years?

6. What is the best present that you’ve ever received?

7. What is your oldest memory?

8. What was your favourite game as a child?

9. Is there one person in particular that you admire?

10. Do you have a favourite actor?

11. What are the 3 things you couldn’t live without?

Ok then. I had fun with this post, and to write it has kept me quite busy to be honest. So now, who’s next?


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